Edukacja sensualna: Lato Adeli Agnieszki Wolny-Hamkało


In the first part of this article, the author reflects on the depiction of girlhood in contemporary Polish literature addressed to teenage girls. She gives as an example of a non-stereotypical depiction of girlhood in literature Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało’s trilogy consisting of the books Nikt nas nie upomni [Nobody will admonish us] (2014), Lato Adeli [Adela’s summer] (2019) and Po śladach [Following the tracks] (2021). In the next section, she interprets the second part of the trilogy as a subversive example of the description of girl sexuality and puberty, using the category of liminality, among others.

Keywords: girlhood, sexuality, adolescence, liminality, Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało