vol. XXXIX, no. 1, 2023

Fitomisteria. Zielarska praktyka spekulatywna

Julia Krupa
Uniwersytet Warszawski
ORCID: 0000-0002-6823-8010
Joanna Soćko
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
ORCID: 0000-0002-5297-4355
Page range: 48–60
Phytomystery. A Herbal Speculative Practice
This article describes the practice of entering mindfully into a relationship with plants, formulated by the Warsaw-based herbal studio Chwaściarnia [Weedshop]. It presents a several-stage herbal speculative method, developed with reference to the assumptions guiding contemporary posthu-manism. In the first part, the article addresses the practice of conscious breathing with plants, challenging the traditional anthropocentric paradigm of herbalism. It then discusses the successive stages of the method: sensory familiarization with the plant, the role of voice (including call and response), and the importance of performative incantations and murmurs. The problem of the rela-tionship between people and plants in contaminated areas is also addressed. An important part of the method described is speculation, which involves weaving a narrative about the plant and col-lectively creating its imaginative depiction. The practice ends with collating speculation with bo-tanical facts. This method combines mindfulness practices with the development of an approach based on knowledge and care.
Keywords: herbal practice, postsecularism, mindfulness, relationality, knowledge and care

In the 21st century, researchers take on a difficult task of forecasting and controlling the development of technology. Futurology is starting to play an important role. Stanisław Lem created a series of visions of the future, which include not only the sci-fi works that everyone knows, e.g. Eden or The Invincible as well as philosophical works: Summa Technologiae or Biology’s Development Over the Years Leading Up to 2040: A Forecast. His “metafuturological” work allows a new perspective of the reflection over the latest futurological research (Ray Kurzwell or Nick Bostrom).