Deepfejki – medialne falsyfikacje ciała. Cechy, funkcje, strategie komunikacyjne


Deepfakes are based on media visualizations of the body, transforming its image by adding or subtracting certain features. In doing so, they falsify the body, changing its appearance and casting it in roles in which it did not previously appear. It is achieved via specialized applications and collaborative online platforms. They require careful analysis, as well as characterization of the mechanisms behind their manipulative strategies. This article attempts to organize reflection on deepfakes, paying attention to their technological and social dimensions. At the same time, it shows that deepfakes are based on simple construction schemes (they are easy to construct but also to deconstruct). The knowledge resulting from the analyses conducted in this area can be helpful both for “disarming” deepfakes and raising social competence to recognize them, and for creating systemic technological solutions – responses to their expansion. Keywords: deepfakes, digital media, manipulation techniques