Koszmarne dziewczynki. Dziewczęce transgresje w klasyce literatury dla dzieci


This article contains a comparative analysis of the heroines of three classic novels for children: Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Maimie from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, and Pippi from the trilogy about Pippi Longstocking. Juxtaposing these works with the didactic literature, which was dominant at the time of their creation, the author emphasizes the axiological turn in the depiction of the motif of transgression. Inscribed in corporeality (Alice), in the model of behavior (Maimie), and even in the basis of constructing a literary figure of the child (Pippi), this motif no longer represents the sin of disobedience, but becomes a symbol of revitalizing change.

Keywords: girl, transgression, body, J.L. Carroll, A. Lindgren, J.M. Barrie