In 1976, the Polish Movement of Friends of American Indians began its activity under the patronage of the Polish Native American, that is Stanisław Supłatowicz, called Sat-okh (Long Feather) and a young adult novel by Arkady Fiedler titled Little Bison. Among the members of the movement, of which I also belong to for many years now, it is believed that had it not been for these two phenomena there would have been no movement at all – or at least it would not have attracted such a large number of members and supporters. It is hard not to agree with that, at least partially. I mean partially since our movement could do equally well with another figure and a different book. Yet, it so happened and it was the activity of Sat-okh and reading Little Bison that greatly fascinated hundreds if not thousands of people so that they began noticing Native Americans (mostly North American). What is more, many of them remained faithful to their history and culture all their lives.